The automotive industry is the most lucrative industry in Germany and, at the same time, an important economic sector worldwide. Thanks to high innovative drive, product quality and productivity, German car manufacturers range among the top 10 of the world's largest car manufacturers.
This is an attribute HORSTKEMPER Maschinenbau takes on as well making us the reliable partner for individual plant technology and press automation in the pressing facilities of the automotive industry for more than a quarter of a century.
A car is, besides technology, quality, and economy, first and foremost defined by bodywork and appearance. HORSTKEMPER Maschinenbau and its press automation is, through the use of our machines, directly involved in shaping a vehicle.
Customers all over the world rely on HORSTKEMPER engineering and mechanical engineering competence when it comes to the automation of presses in the production of chassis parts.
Contact Person
Helmut Wiesing
managing director
Phone : +49 2944 9702 0
Jens Bergmeier
project management
Phone : +49 2944 9702 17